With a growing number of ‘large production run’ machine shops, and the diminishing ‘one-off ’ manual machine shops, many custom machinery companies are finding fewer available places for short-run parts for prototypes.
Diversified Design & Manufacturing doesn’t have that problem, since we make our own parts. Our complete in-house capability, along with our versatility and quick response to your needs can provide you with a more economical solution.

Diversified Design & Manufacturing, Inc. is committed to providing the most innovative solution to our customer's needs, while meeting & exceeding their expectations. Our commitment to superior quality, fast delivery, lower costs, and customized one-on-one support – is our trademark.

Consumer Products
Medical & Health
Custom Machinery / Automation. Some types of custom machinery include: Product Testing Equipment, specialty tooling, automated assembly equipment, and devices designed for a ‘unique’ process. In addition to custom machinery, Diversified Design can design and build an automation system for almost any repetitive, difficult, or just labor-intensive task including:
Product Development. At Diversified Design, we can start from solid modeling designs or something simpler— someone has an idea. From very small precision items, like medical devices, hobby tools, to large process equipment, our focus on superior quality and practical engineering makes us a natural fit in identifying the best automated manufacturing process solution for each individual application.
Diversified Design can incorporate the full process when evaluating your ideas & designs - on both consumer products as well as commercial products. From assembly, inspection to final testing of your parts, by utilizing a single source like Diversified Design, we can help you control costs.
Industrial Machinery Retrofit. Machine downtime is a concern for every company. Worn out parts & outdated designs can be retrofitted to improve or eliminate this problem. Another focus area for companies looking to improve their competitiveness in the marketplace is to increase machine output. With the new technology available in mechanical components and control systems, older machines can be upgraded to improve speed and product quality—and do it more efficiently.
Through Diversified Design & Manufacturing's flexible schedules, manufacturing expertise, and one-on-one support, we are able to provide premium customer service, while keeping costs controlled. Our customers can also benefit from using us as an outsourced extension of their own operation.
Even after a part is built or a system designed, Diversified Design can provide field installation, training, as well as service and technical support.